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November 24th, 2020 8:30AM

Writer: Mimitchi ^o^Mimitchi ^o^

Sometimes it seriously feels like the world is out to annoy me. I walked to the park yesterday to draw because I haven’t been out of the house lately and there’s some kids with their mom sitting at a table and drawing. Okay, no big deal. When I sit down I can feel the air on my back and have to keep pulling my shirt down but it’s whatever. My nose starts to run, great. I have no tissues and I have to use a piece of paper to blow my nose but also whatever. My hand is dry and feeling the paper on my dry hand really triggers my texture sensitivity but I just dip my hand in my water I brought for water coloring and deal with it. But then the kids get up and start to play and scream at the top of their lungs, holy shit. I swear to god. I know kids go to the park to play and stuff but it’s 50F and overcast on a Monday at noon. I draw like two things, get frustrated from the kids + art block, and get up to leave. The minute my foot touches the sidewalk they go back to the table to color. I’m going to kill someone (not literally ofc). I’ve noticed that I’ve been such an angry person lately, but I don’t want to be like this. So many things have just seriously been frustrating me lately and I don’t know why. I don’t want to be angry, I know I could look at the bright side of yesterday's journey; I got to take a walk, the weather was alright, at least I drew a little bit, etc but ugh no it doesn’t feel like the goods outweigh the bads yesterday or even most days. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

Below are the little doodles I managed to do before leaving the park :x

Welp, I apologize for the sort of bummer intro to this entry, haha. Just wanted to get out how I felt! On to the Tamagotchi's. :)

Pink Sanrio Meets, Gen 9:

Kerotchi's baby eventually became an adult, with Nijifuwatchi's head and Keroppi's body, haha. Before marrying her off, however, I went around and met every single tama on the device! Now her little character index is completely full. :D While doing this, I guess she visited Penguin Sam quite a bit because when she went to Strawberry Land again, he proposed to her! He's a cutie and his genes aren't in the family tree yet, so I gave the approval. :) They had a blue baby boy that looked a lot like his dad! I named him Pingutchi for obvious reasons, haha. It'll be awkward if he doesn't look like a penguin as an adult though, oops!

Fairy Blue On, Gen 12:

Soooo... Stinktchi grew up, and I'm kinda happy with how she turned out. She didn't get the uncomfortable-looking flower head, haha! The body difference from Yolktchi is so drastic though, lol. Well, I took her to the app, but I couldn't find any cute tama's to marry her off to! Then this tama proposed to me, so I figured why not, their outcome will be interesting to say the least. They also had a baby boy whom I named Grimmtchi, because with his father's genes his future is looking grim, lmao. And then the last picture is of Grimmtchi and Pingutchi connecting! I thought it was interesting that my Fairy Blue On has a red baby and my Pink Sanrio Meets has a blue baby. :>

Black Digimon 20th:

Both Greymon and Scumon have evolved! Greymon evolved yesterday morning after he woke up, I heard the evolving noise and got scared because I thought maybe one of them was dying (because they poop so much and I miss it a lot!!), but nope, he was evolving into Metal Greymon! :D And then Scumon evolved in my pocket when I was walking back from the park yesterday. When I got back to my apartment I pulled the tama's out and checked everyone, and there he was, the silly monkey boy Etemon!

I really enjoy the sprites of the Digimon, but I'm not a big fan of their official artwork. Most of them are kinda ugly or too detailed and it's a little freaky haha. I think I'm gonna try and draw Metal Greymon and Etemon in the modern tamagotchi art style, I think that would be cute. :3 Maybe that could be a recurring thing I do for the Digimon: drawing each one as I get them? :0 That could be fun!

The Transparent Purple Digimon is still an Agumon, so nothing new to report there yet. Im taking basic care of him, feeding him pills instead of playing the game to get his strength up, so that means his effort is also 0 hearts. He hasn't had any care mistakes that I can remember, so it looks like he'll probably evolve into Devimon which I'd be happy about because I love Devimon's sprite!! But I can't say for sure. Devimon's sprite kinda reminds me of King Debirutchi on the Devilgotchi, haha. :)

- Mimitchi ^o^



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