Wow, it's already almost been a week since my last update, but it seriously feels like it was yesterday, haha.
I haven't mentioned my irl pets here before, but things of interest have happened, and I'd like for this to be a little more than just a tamagotchi blog, but more of an online journal as well. :> So, I have two cats; Blackberry and Daisy. Blackberry was born on May 2nd, 2018, and I adopted him on April 27th, 2019, a week before his first birthday. He's a beautiful black cat and he's the clingiest kitty I have ever met! It's one of my favorite things about him though, I love how cuddly he is because I am a very physically affectionate person. (He's actually curled up in the crook of my arm as I'm writing this, lol!). He was raised by foster parents with his whole litter (as well as bunnies and a dog), so he's always been around other creatures. Daisy, on the other hand, is very independent. She was born on June 2nd of this year, and I adopted her on July 19th. The thing is, it's not certain that her birthday is June 2nd, because she was found all by herself in the dumpster at my friend's farm. Her mom and siblings were nowhere to be seen. (I chose her birthday as June 2nd, because I thought the repetition of her and Blackberry's birthdays would be nice.) Unfortunately she was separated from her mother WAY too early, and she still suckles on my blankets because she was weaned too soon. She'll occasionally show physical affection, but she mostly spends time on her own. It breaks my heart to think about how she grew up in the first month or two of her life, but I'm glad I have her and can protect her now.
Oh, and about their names! I didn't name Blackberry, his foster parents did. Since he was already almost a year when I adopted him, I didn't want to confuse him by changing his name. It also really fits him, so I'm glad I kept it. I did name Daisy, though. She was so young and didn't even have a name when my friend gave me her, so I chose Daisy. I always thought Daisy was a cute name, it fits for a summer baby, and the flower symbolizes innocence and purity, so it was perfect for her. :)
Anyways, I bring my kitties up because Daisy just got fixed as well as got all her shots on Thursday the 19th. I had been putting it off because she's still so small and I was worried about the money as I'm not the wealthiest college student lol, but I found a place in my area that had a huge discount for cats under 5 months! (Shh... don't tell anyone, but I told them her birthday was late June so I could get that discount! Im such a bad person haha....) I bought a comfy mat for her pet carrier, and I put a little pillow in there for her too so my scent would be with her, and then we headed to the vet. I was very worried about her the whole day because she hadn't ever been to the vet before, and my irrational brain kept coming up with all sorts of insane scenarios that sent my anxiety skyrocketing. It wasn't too long though, she was dropped off at 9AM and had to be picked up at 3PM, and I sped there because I was so worried haha. When I picked her up she was a little groggy, but mostly fine! The drama started when we got home, though.
We got inside my apartment and I opened the carrier to let her out, and Blackberry was not happy. They've always gotten along and played together, but because of her strange scent from the vet, it freaked Blackberry out. He hissed at her and hid for days. Seriously, only TODAY has he come out of hiding, and he's still cautious about her. It makes me sad because they know each other and they were becoming such good friends, but I know realistically things will go back to normal soon.
I have to give Daisy some pain medication every night with dinner for a week, and she has to wear a cone. I hope this passes soon, because I can't stand my babies not getting along, as well as her being in any pain!! Though, she has been surprisingly clingy since she got back from the vet. I've been waking up to her sleeping at my side! She sometimes naps near me while I'm awake, but I've never woken up to her sleeping with me before! I'm happy about her cuddliness. :)
The white and brown cat was my best friends kitty who sadly was put down a few months ago due to medical problems. He lived until 16 and a half. Rest in peace, Toby. <3
Well, let's get to the Tamagotchi's. :)
Pink Sanrio Meets, Gen 8:
Kerotchi grew up! and unfortunately still has Cinnamoroll's ears, aaggghhh! I'm not sure where the blue color came from, but oh well, haha. I wasted no time sending him to the app to scout out some cuties. I saw one interesting tama in a trashcan and tried proposing to them, but they rejected Kerotchi! :0 How rude. For those who don't know, you can accept a proposal but not send it to your tama, and when it fails you can just go back to the plaza but it'll still work for the other party. I don't think many people know that, oops!
Anyways, after Kerotchi was rejected and went back to the plaza, a Nijifuwatchi twin immediately proposed to him! I figured what the hell, I don't have Nijifuwatchi in my family tree yet, so I accepted. They had a baby girl with a randomly generated name that I didn't bother changing, and the last pic is her connecting with my Fairy Blue On tama!
Fairy Blue On, Gen 11:
Well, I guess I accidentally lost the pictures of Bleachtchi getting married, but they got married to a trashcan tama with Pompomtchi's pompoms and had twin boys, whom I named Eggitchi and Yolktchi because they were white and orange and reminded me of an egg, haha. They eventually grew up and kept the Pompom's, as well as pompurins body and the cute little kitty friend! When I took them to the app I couldn't find anyone to mate them with, so I decided to just go ahead and get himebaratchi's genes on the family tree by mating Yolktchi with her. They had a baby girl and I couldn't think of a good name so I named her Stinktchi, I have no idea why lmfao. And the last pic is of her connecting with the Sanrio tama! :D
Black Digimon 20th:
Both Digi's are now adults! So, previously I mentioned that I thought I had to get Scumon to get Etemon but double-checked and 'figured out' it was a different way, but I was actually right the first time, ugh! Luckily I ended up getting Scumon anyways. :) So now I have Scumon and Greymon, and they should both evolve into their special characters soon. I've played and won over 15 battles with both of them, but they wont evolve until around 38 hours I think? But Greymon should evolve into Metal Greymon and then Blitz Greymon, and Scumon into Etemon and then King Etemon! :D Also during one of Scumon's battles yesterday, he faced Oyajitchi! Lmao, I enjoy the crossover.
T-Purple Digimon 20th:
My second Digimon came in the mail, so I started it up as well to see how they connect! They couldn't connect until they both reached adulthood, however, but now that it's an Agumon they were finally able to connect. Surprisingly, Agumon won most of the battles against both Greymon and Scumon? I haven't even been taking very good care of Agumon, so I'm kinda surprised by that. Also, theres a little speck of something under the screen and it's driving me crazy, aghhh. I hope its not a pixel leak, that would be so disappointing. ;_;
I received these two Digimon in the mail today! When I figured out that there were five different versions of the 20th Anniversary, I had to get one of each version while they were still cheap! Here is a list of each version, but so far I have:
Version A - Black and White Digi
Version B - Yellow and Grey Digi
Version D - Translucent Purple and Yellow Digi
Version E - Translucent Neon Green and Pink Digi
And I'm waiting on the Version C Purple and Black Digi to come in the mail! I found out that there was also another 20th Anniversary Digimon released called the Digimon Pendulum, but those are selling for like $120-$200 online right now. Thats more expensive than three Tamagotchi On's, so I'll probably never get one of those lmao. Ah well, I'm fine with that. :)
Lastly, the Pacman Nano. It was still thriving yesterday when I took it's batteries out. I was just getting tired of it, unfortunately. Nothing new was happening and it was feeling a bit like a chore to take care of, so I shelved it. I'm still happy that it's in my collection, of course, and one day I will try to get Mimitchi on it!
- Mimitchi ^o^